

The useUpvote hook is used to send an upvote for a specific chat message.


const [upvoteState, upvote] = useUpvote(messageId, onSuccessCallback);


  • id (string): The unique identifier of the chat message to be upvoted.
  • onSuccess (optional function): A callback function to be executed after a successful upvote.


An array containing:

  1. upvoteState: An object representing the current state of the upvote operation (loading, error, value).
  2. upvote: A function to trigger the upvote action.

Implementation Details

  • Sends a POST request to /chat/vote/${id} using the axiosInstance from the ChatProvider.
  • Returns a message confirming the upvote action.



const [downvoteState, downvote] = useDownvote(messageId, onSuccessCallback);


  • id (string): The unique identifier of the chat message to be downvoted.
  • onSuccess (optional function): A callback function to be executed after a successful downvote.


An array containing:

  1. downvoteState: An object representing the current state of the downvote operation (loading, error, value).
  2. downvote: A function to trigger the downvote action.

Implementation Details

  • Uses useAsyncFn to manage the asynchronous DELETE request.
  • Sends a DELETE request to /chat/vote/${id} using the axiosInstance from the ChatProvider.
  • Returns a message confirming the downvote action.

Common Features

Both hooks:

  • Utilize the useChat hook to access the axiosInstance for making API requests.
  • Leverage useAsyncFn for efficient handling of asynchronous operations, including loading states and error handling.
  • Accept an optional onSuccess callback for custom actions after successful operations.
  • Are memoized based on their dependencies (axiosInstance, id, and onSuccess) to prevent unnecessary re-renders.

Example Usage

import React from 'react';

function ChatMessage({ serverId }) {
  const [upvoteState, upvote] = useUpvote(serverId, () => console.log('Upvoted!'));
  const [downvoteState, downvote] = useDownvote(serverId, () => console.log('Downvoted!'));

  return (
      <button onClick={upvote} disabled={upvoteState.loading}>
        {upvoteState.loading ? 'Upvoting...' : 'Upvote'}
      <button onClick={downvote} disabled={downvoteState.loading}>
        {downvoteState.loading ? 'Downvoting...' : 'Downvote'}
      {upvoteState.error && <p>Error upvoting: {upvoteState.error.message}</p>}
      {downvoteState.error && <p>Error downvoting: {downvoteState.error.message}</p>}

useChat Hook

The useChat hook manages chat functionality, including sending and receiving messages, handling session management, and interacting with a socket connection.


const chatInterface = useChat({

Return Value

The useChat hook returns an object with the following properties and methods:


  1. state (object): The current state of the chat.

    • lastUpdated (number | null): Timestamp of the last update.
    • messages(MessageType[]): Array of chat messages.
  2. session (ChatSession | null): The current chat session or null if no session exists.

  3. noMessages (boolean): True if there are no messages in the chat.

  4. initialData (object): Initial data for the chat, including FAQ, history, initial questions, and logo.

  5. info (ReactNode | null): Information about the current state of the chat, often related to socket connection status.

  6. events (TypedEventTarget): Event emitter for various chat events.

  7. hookState (string): Current state of the hook (‘loading’, ‘error’, or ‘idle’).

  8. settings (object): Current settings for the chat.

    • persistSession (boolean): Whether the session is being persisted.
    • useSoundEffects (boolean): Whether sound effects are enabled.
  9. axiosInstance (AxiosInstance): Axios instance configured for making API calls.


  1. recreateSession(): Clears the current session and creates a new one.

  2. clearSession(): Clears the current session and all messages.

  3. sendMessage(messageData: object): Sends a new message to the chat.

    • messageData.content.text (string): The text content of the message.
    • messageData.headers (optional object): Additional headers for the message.
    • messageData.user (optional object): User information.
    • messageData.query_params (optional object): Additional query parameters.
  4. setSettings(newSettings: object): Updates the chat settings.


  • Manages the chat state, including messages and session information.
  • Handles WebSocket connections for real-time communication.
  • Provides methods for sending messages and managing the chat session.
  • Offers event handling for various chat events (new messages, handoffs, etc.).
  • Integrates with a backend API for data persistence and retrieval.
  • Supports customizable settings for session persistence and sound effects.
  • Handles initial data loading, including chat history and FAQ.
  • Provides real-time status updates about the chat and socket connection.

This hook encapsulates the core functionality needed for implementing a chat interface, making it easier to integrate chat capabilities into a React application.